How to Read the AquaSense Plant Guide
Each zone is indicated by a color and a range of numbers, the plants listed below are associated to a zone that it must stay within for the plant to be considered in it's range of healthy watering. For example, an Airplane Plant that needs to stay in the range of 4-5 to be considered healthy, if in the red zone, according to the guide it requires adding 1/2-1 cup of water.
Red Zone 1-3
Aloe, Anchor Plant, Asparagus Fern, Baby Jade, Baby Pine of China, Baby’s Breath, Beaver Tail, Bishop's Cap, Bloodless, Cactus, Chicken Gizzard, Christ Plant, Crown of Thorns, Dumbcane, Easter Orchid, Euphorbia, Fig Fiddle Leaf, Firecracker Plant, Flaming Sword, Floral Firecracker, Foolproof Plant, Fuzzy Ears, Gas Plant, Geranium, Ghost Plant, Glory of Texas, Golden Dew Drop, Good Luck Plant, Hibiscus, Honey-Bunny, Ice Plant, Ivy, Jade Plant, Jasmine Star, Jelly Beans, Lantana, Little Candles, Little Owl Eyes, Living Vase, Lobster Plant, Marguerite Blue, Mimicry Plant, Moon Stones, Mother of Pearl, Musk Plant, Panda Plant, Parachute Plant, Pen Wiper, Pink Wiper, Pink Bottoms, Pocket Book Plant, Poinsettia, Queen’s tears, Roman candle, Sand Dollar, Sedom, Shrimp Plant, Tiger Jaws, Umbrella Tree, Wall Fern, White Jewel
Green Zone 4-5
Airplane Plant, Balfour Aralia, Begonia, Black Aralia, Bird of Paradise, Birdsnest Sansaveria, Bonsai, Bougainvillea, Bromeliad, Canary Island Date Palm, Ceropegia, Chinese Aralia, Citrus, Corn Plant, Cryptanthus, Dracaena Lemon Lime, Dracaena Limelight, Dracaena Magenta, Dracaena marginata, Dracaena massangeana, Dracaena Medusa, Dracaena warneckii, Dragon Tree, Duranta Sapphire Showers, Earth Star, Echeveria, Eucalyptus, False Aralia, Hens and Chicks, Goldfish Plant, Grape Ivy, Inch Plant, Janet Craig, Kalanchoe Calandiva, Kalanchoe, Lakeview Jasmine, Lipstick Vine, Madagascar Jasmine, Mock Orange, Monkey Puzzle Tree, Mother in Law’s Tongue, Norfolk Island Pine, Oak Leaf Ivy, Philodendron, Pleomele, Plumeria, Ponytail Palm, Pygmy Date Palm, Sago Palm, Sansaveria, Spider Plant, Snake Plant, Song of India, Song of Jamaica, Stephanotis Vine, String of Pearls, String of Hearts, White Bird of Paradise
Green Zone 6-7
African Lily, African Violet, African Mask, Agapanthus, Algerian Ivy, Allamanda, Alocasia, Angel Tears, Angels Trumpet, Anthurium, Baby Tears, Bleeding Heart Vine, Bower Vine, Boxwood, Buddhist Pine, Camellia, Celosia, Cineraria, Clerodendron Blue Butterfly, Cordyline, Crape Myrtle, Creeping Charlie, Croton, Cyclamen, Datura, Dieffenbachia Camille, Emerald Gem, Euonymus, Fatsia, Fishtail Palm, Fittonia, Flamingo Flower, Foxtail Palm, Gardenia White Gem, Gloxinia, Goldust Plant, Hoya, Impatiens, Ixora, Jasmine Arabian, Kentia Palm, Lady Palm, Lavender, Leea, Lollipop Plant, Mandevilla, Marengo Ivy, Medinilla, Money Tree, Ornamental Pepper, Peace Lily, Peperomia Tricolor, Pandorea, Persian Shield, Podocarpus, Prayer Plant, Rosemary, Rubber Plant, Shooting Star, Shrimp Plant, Silver Nerve Plant, Solomon’s Seal, Star of Bethlehem, Streptocarpella, Streptocarpus, Wax Ivy, Weeping Fig Tree
Blue Zone 7-10
Extra watering is not needed